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Atelier nature "Une Année Zéro Déchet"

Nature and relaxation, Country events, Threatened natural areas in Jû-Belloc
  • The Artpiculture association offers you a nature workshop on the theme of zero waste, "Let biodiversity flourish. Come and discover the natural beauty of a flower meadow and how welcoming these wild flowers and differentiated mowing enrich our zero waste approach Practical information - Free workshop - From 7 years old - Registration required Artpiculture is an association raising awareness of environmentally friendly practices for sustainable development. Based in the Hautes Pyrénées and...
    The Artpiculture association offers you a nature workshop on the theme of zero waste, "Let biodiversity flourish. Come and discover the natural beauty of a flower meadow and how welcoming these wild flowers and differentiated mowing enrich our zero waste approach Practical information - Free workshop - From 7 years old - Registration required Artpiculture is an association raising awareness of environmentally friendly practices for sustainable development. Based in the Hautes Pyrénées and Ju-Belloc, ArtPiculture supports the great public to change their view of the surrounding biodiversity through fun and often free workshops.