
Conférence artistique

Cultural, Lecture, Contemporary art in Jû-Belloc
  • Conference by the artist Béatrice Darmagnac Open to all as part of the Nouvelle Saison #5 research program, partnership between the Adour Institution and the Pyrenees Higher School of Art and Design (Tarbes site). Béatrice Darmagnac's work covers a great diversity of proposals. She does not use favorite materials, privileged techniques, or affectionate patterns or colors that would constitute a signature. This variability is partly explained by the use of natural, geo-sourced or even...
    Conference by the artist Béatrice Darmagnac Open to all as part of the Nouvelle Saison #5 research program, partnership between the Adour Institution and the Pyrenees Higher School of Art and Design (Tarbes site). Béatrice Darmagnac's work covers a great diversity of proposals. She does not use favorite materials, privileged techniques, or affectionate patterns or colors that would constitute a signature. This variability is partly explained by the use of natural, geo-sourced or even upcycled materials in the works. Free