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Projection documentaire

Cultural, Lecture in Riscle
  • Screening of the film "La course à pied" by Jean-Baptiste Martin (50') followed by a debate moderated by Doctor Petuya, general practitioner. The film takes stock of the state of running, which has become very popular in our developed countries. It is the 4th largest sport in France with 9 million practitioners, from 'casual joggers' to 'marathoners', 20% of whom are women. More than a fashion, running, born in Greek antiquity, has become a way of life, even a philosophy of life, because...
    Screening of the film "La course à pied" by Jean-Baptiste Martin (50') followed by a debate moderated by Doctor Petuya, general practitioner. The film takes stock of the state of running, which has become very popular in our developed countries. It is the 4th largest sport in France with 9 million practitioners, from 'casual joggers' to 'marathoners', 20% of whom are women. More than a fashion, running, born in Greek antiquity, has become a way of life, even a philosophy of life, because since the craze of the 1980s, the desire to run has been maintained by the cult of performance and body, and sedentary lifestyle. Jogging is freedom: accessible to all ages, to all social backgrounds, you can practice it anywhere, at any time, it lets off steam and provides well-being. Beyond the observation, why run? How ? What health benefits? Dr Petuya, general practitioner, will answer these questions but will also explain the health benefits of all sports. Come many
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    • Mobility impaired
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