Rencontre d'auteur
Lecture, Cultural, Literature
in Marciac
Ornitho-musical encounter with the American author, philosopher and musician David Rothenberg. This will include his latest work translated into French by Actes Sud, "Un Rossignol dans la ville" and the meeting will be completed by a melodic stroll with the participation of the avian fauna of Marciac. What can science have to say about the beauty of a bird's song? Icon of the New York experimental music scene, David Rothenberg is a pioneer of interspecies music: he plays with whales, insects...
Ornitho-musical encounter with the American author, philosopher and musician David Rothenberg. This will include his latest work translated into French by Actes Sud, "Un Rossignol dans la ville" and the meeting will be completed by a melodic stroll with the participation of the avian fauna of Marciac. What can science have to say about the beauty of a bird's song? Icon of the New York experimental music scene, David Rothenberg is a pioneer of interspecies music: he plays with whales, insects and nightingales in search of the perfect sound and the famous “Sharawadji effect”, which describes the beauty of the irregularity sought. But he is also a naturalist and philosopher. Drawing on his three specialties, the author asks the fundamental question of whether the aesthetics of nightingale song can be quantified and, if so, how science can help answer it. A Nightingale in the City is the mystical, instinctive and introspective journey of a man to encounter a bird that is barely visible and yet omnipresent in our soundscape. David Rothenberg invites us to listen in depth, helping us to appreciate this ancient song and, why not, to participate in it... Come along!
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